Sunday, March 2, 2008


I understand the word: when you fall in love you will become another person, or love will drive you crazy. Yeah, and maybe I am not fall in love with you. I just like, like to see you. Well, hope so.

At least today the strong feeling can be controlled. Haha, I have said, I want to forget about it.

I can do it. I try to do it .

Have a nice and lessoned conversation with a nice friend, Lily. Although we know each other quite a time, However friendship is not something about time, is about heart right. I felt sorry, because sometimes you know that person, but do you really give your time to listen to a friend? Or do you really know and understand this friend? Their needs and what could you give? Or what had you learnt from your friend. I can see that, she is matured and I got a lot from her. Especially, she likes to mix with friend, new friend. Currently, I am studying mass communication so I have to learn a lot. Especially, mix with stranger and how they become your friend. Sometime, I stick to my own gang too much and it was a scary to talk or communicate English with stranger. I scare, I do not know why? Maybe I scare I will be offense by someone. I am too caring about how people think of me. Yeah, that’s the reason, I guess. Ok, I need to change my thought again, be optimistic!!

this is my best friend, Lily

A smile, or a laugh really can be very good. Good for your emotional and mentally, because actually today I was a bit frustrated when I woke up. However, instead with a sad smile I rather give a smile from my heart to the people around me. The smile from the heart, people can feel it, and can make them smile =>

From today now on, I have to take responsibilities for my life and God is the one who look and the One who work on it. No matter what, I hope that the relationship between me and God will never end; I want to keep walking on the path, On the right track.

Ok ok, is very late now. I haven’t prepared for bed. I didn’t pray and devotion and list the task I should do. I have to wake up early tomorrow to study.

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