Monday, February 9, 2009


After 3 days of worsen day dwelling in frustration, wrath, cried out, broke down, tiredness
fourth day, I did smile =)
but at least i'm not gripping on things that happened before, and
not keep dwelling in the pit of problems ....
I know my days could get more harder and tougher
I shall stand firm, and watch how this battle, waging the war in myself.
I shall take a breath, refocus, restore.

I shall get stronger every day =)

Obstacle is not threat, is an opportunity to heal for me to become stronger
don't let worry and discourage cause despair in my soul
don't ever magnify the problems, it cause obstruction on my way to continue
problems stagger me
I was magnified my problems
trying hard to break free
because of stripes i'm healed
I just need to be still
look who belong to this battle

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