Monday, February 2, 2009

alone? lonely ?

today seen a meaningful quote

" I don't want to be lonely, I just want to be alone "
Luckily I the loneliness in me doesn't really bother me much ..
i have many things to focus on .
i trusted that if we can't be happy alone
how could you be happy when you get into relationship ..
don't expect that " I would be happy if I am with him, i couldn't stand being alone, i'm not happy"
that was bullshit !!!
if you can't be happy alone, how could bring happiness to your partner
happiness move in both ways .. you and him. she and you.
if you hoping for the somebody appear in your life
fulfill your loneliness inside
think about it, do you really committed in this relationship just because
you just pursuit for your own happiness ?? think about it
isn't you love that someone because of what you lack inside you
and hope he or she could fill in the holes ?

1 comment:

Chin Fern said...

This is a great post!
No one can give someone happiness. It's within you for you to search and to uphold in yourself. =)