Saturday, September 12, 2009


i wanna be rebellious for once yesterday, yea maybe I am rebellious always.
Seriously yesterday it was really upsetting, trust me felt like the whole world crushing down
my tears started to become uncontrollable .......
don't know where it comes from
i felt like an idiot and numb
so I chose to indulge myself in short fun moment
left eveything behind
i know I am risking and quite dangerous though
i know there would be thousands of miss call ....thousand of ppl searching for me
I just don't feels like care at that moment.
really felt bad after I woke up.


Dee said...

this is so not u. u broke my heart and so do ur parent's heart into pieces yesterday. u dont choose fun, u choose the time to be alone, arrange ur thoughts in their possible ways. i was on the phone with adrian all the way when he followed up to tanjung bungah. this irresponsible level had reach the very maximum. i am totally disappointed with you. if u need a talk, i am always here. if u need a hug, i could drive up to ur house and give it to you, if u need an ear, mine is all up until the sun rise up. why do u choose such dangerous act? who is gonna protect u when shit happens? and another underage lady? i dont even wan to believe it when i heard this. what happen to you? u are never like this. and yesterday, i feel like i have never known u at all. the whole world is searching for u and u are selfishly having dangerous fun in that sweaty place? if i am not ur best friend, i wouldnt scold you, if i dont care bout u, i wouldn't stay up the night until someone told me that u r safe. if i am not someone who love u, i wont even type this out. its time for u to learn ur mistake. this has to stop.

Unknown said...

some feeling is just indescribable maybe is just something that I don't want to admit it, i can't really letting go yet.
I really glad that what you did and adrian did for me yesterday, my sister, my mom, my dad really really touched.
seriously now I felt beloved again, there's still a lot or true friends more than friends .. just like family never ever forsaken me .... no matter how wrong i did, they'll still pick me up when I am down ........
don't worry, i'm up lifting gradually ..........
I don't felt like an idiot anymore.