Saturday, November 29, 2008

Christmas .. a season to spend our fortune ???

Traditionally, today is the start of the Christmas shopping season-although, the Christmas decorations have been out and the big sales have been going on for weeks already, haven't they? Retailers seem to push harder and harder each year to convince us to spend and spend because we need more and more. And you know what? It works!!! We get all caught up in a mindset that says we can only truly express our love for somebody if we can find and buy the perfect gift or either have a countdown party It's a very sad scenario, not only because a holiday that is based on love freely given has become a symbol of consumerism and purchasing but because a season that is to be filled with joy and hope becomes a time of stress and emptiness.Christmas has become more and more commercial and loses it real meaning of Christmas

Christmas is about LOVE ..
The start of LOVE
The way to spending time with your love one
family, friends that come back from aboard
The time to gather around the table
and start counting our blessing ..

rather than just countdown partying ..
Christmas is more than that ..

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