Friday, June 4, 2010

moments to breath

ice cream and book.
some moments to gasp for air.
I'd found myself in a book.
I'd found myself in the midst of busyness.
I left with a smile on my face.
the photos on the wall adding a blazing colors in the shop.
It adds blaze in my heart.
Thank you for today, I'd a great day.

One said :" Everyday detail bring us closer to our reality, Everyday raise and fall bring us closer to our dream, Choices that we made every day bring us closer to what we'd hope for "


1 comment:

One who has been changed said...

sounds like you not only stop to smell the roses in life but also capture with pictures. God has indeed created a beautiful world if we stop to notice. God loves us and His son Jesus the Christ died for our sins so we would not have to pay the price. Check out book of John in the Bible. May you be granted faith with understanding as you read.