Monday, October 26, 2009

the ungrateful one

Grateful from the deepest of my soul.

everytime when I ask you'll give me the best than I ever asked for.
everything, when I reflects back I know you'll do your best and give me the rest.
never ever let me down whatever I asked for anything because you just eagerly wanna see my
happy smile. =)
you all not just eagerly wanna fulfill me wants and needs, but to fulfill the love inside me.
never ever you all disappoint me ...but I've always fails you all.
I have done nothing.nothing to show my gratitude.
Thanks for taking all my childish temper, uncontrollable emotional, unthoughtful frustration, and unpleasant manners.
It's not just material stuff, but given me your heart
the patience, tolerance, sacrifices.. and love
I don't think that is spoilt but is your thoughtfulness and never failing love that touches me.
I have more than enough ....
let the word "FAMILY" become an abbreviation but not just simply a vocab.

" Thanks for God give me the greatest Gift of all, my parents, my family. Lord, bless my parents with a good health and pray for in the future and now, learn to how to put my gratitude and love into action. Teach me and show me how to love.""

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