Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Pondering about the thought of leaving and university
We tend to look around the people around us, and started to get really nervous when we are not on the same track as they are. 
I really need faith to strengthen my weakness and the infirmity. 
maybe I  should letting go of the struggle, my doubt, my shaken decision. 
Accept the current circumstances and embrace it...strive for it. 

" He shall strengthen my weakness"

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The art of losing

it has been a very long time I wasn't here to write about I, me, Myself. It's not because of busyness but simply I was in the "art of losing" 
I misses here very much which I am using my photo inspiration and words...
here and now.. I have a different insight, start to THINK and start to live. 
this is a story of Estee each and every moment that I treasured no matter neither the journey it's rough or smooth.  By His grace i am free again...I am alive again. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

what's love

Once when i was a little girl, we dreamed about marriage ...
the prince and princess happily ever after story.
in adulthood, the bubbles pops, marriage become so dissenting.
it might sound scary from the bad testimonials of others.
I would say now:

" I believe in marriage... beloved and to be in the love commitment of my lifetime"

what if I say:" love ain't about feelings"

" Love ain't about lust and desires"all of these would fade

Love is a verb

Love is an attitude

Love is a commitment

Love is giving

Agape is Sacrifing love

"I believe in love once again"

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Don't become a stranger

we were once young and simple little child get to know each other
primary school, childhood, secondary, high school
we might feel that it's all different after all departure ...
we from good friends become like stranger after so long
is our friendship has become tweak and weak
is that any love language that we could share rather than " what are you doing now? when you graduate? where you work? how was everything? " "please take care"
I feel that shallowness of love and the unconcern to care.
as time flew, i hope we'd change, changed to be a better friend, a friend which we make new memories each and every moments no matter which stage of life we all are.
my dear friend "Don't become a stranger, okay ?"

Sunday, January 29, 2012

it's easy to forget

how easy it is for me to forget

what I'd love to do about the passion

who I used to be could be much more happier

the commitment I've made

"how easy it is for us to forget the time we shared

how easy it is for us to forget how to love

how easy it is for us to forget how to smile =)

it's easy to forget, but it's even harder not to love "

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


life is all about choices. more choice. choices choices.
I was a person who always wonder what I want what I want
look upon others
but what I really needs
the attitude after I've made up my mind.
love the decision, believe the decision and trust in the decision
what I am doing about career now
真正影响人的一生不是当初的选择,而是自己对选择的态度 =)