Wednesday, January 7, 2009

stomach !!

This couples of day my gastric pain is seriously killing me !! Woke up in the middle of the night and no appetite for food .. Ish ...and keep lao sai-ing .. Haih .. Miracle ..for not finishing my food and not craving for food My friends claim that I get thinner Oops .. kinda happy to hear that .. Life is hard but depends on our eye how we look at it !! GO .. I'm in control with my life Staying happi =) and being appreciated ..
I don't want to waste time keep living in a dreadful emo life ..
Because maybe there will be no tomorrow for me ..
I don't want to miss the miracle of every moment ..
a day have 24 hours ..
Eliminate the 10 hours to sleep, shit and eat
left 14 hours ..
looking over our daily life
how much time hours we'r happy smiling ?
and how much time you've spending to frown, worrying, and living in the past ..?

It's not about who you are ...who you knew .. what you do
It's how you live ...

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